School districts need in-depth data to make decisions, while school counselors need support navigating extensive information and providing help to students. With the new GoGuardian Beacon Dashboard, counselors and admins alike can track trends and take proactive measures with actionable data.
Make more informed decisions with in-depth data
Available now to Beacon Core and Beacon 24/7 users, the new dashboard helps counselors and administrators track data trends, develop timely interventions, and allocate resources exactly where they’re needed. Designated district-level users can quickly identify which deployments have the highest number of alerts and which students need the most support, so you can take action when necessary. District-level Beacon users can also identify how many alerts require action, are in progress, or have been resolved — all in one district-wide, easy-to-navigate interface.
Spend less time searching for metrics and more time supporting students
Using data to create an added layer of support for students is more streamlined than ever with the dashboard. Filter alerts by phase and date range and export your information via CSV for easy evaluation. Data is vital in developing effective interventions and systems of response, but data has been relatively elusive and subjective in school counseling; the Beacon Dashboard helps districts build and support a data-driven response system.
Drive collaboration efforts between IT and counselors
Implementation should always be a partnership between technology and student services, which is why districts can use the new Beacon Dashboard to track and measure student wellness interventions, staffing, and supporting student safety initiatives.
To learn more about the new Beacon Dashboard, reach out to your account representative or request a free trial of Beacon.
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