GoGuardian Parent can help families ensure their child experiences a safe, healthy, and engaging digital Learning environment, wherever Learning happens.
Here’s the latest all-in-one update on GoGuardian products for this school year. Learn about Admin, Teacher, Beacon, Fleet, and Org Management updates.
Teachers can now host video conferencing sessions with students while monitoring and managing student browsers. An all-in-one solution for K-12 classrooms.
We've compiled resources and stories that are worth sharing with our GoGuardian community. NPR interviews, student-run magazines, homeschool apps, and more.
GoGuardian Fleet makes it easy to manage your district’s Chromebooks and has received major improvements to its features and UX interface. Read about it here!
We firmly stand against the legacy of systemic racism, bias, and oppression. Black Lives Matter.
The final interview of our series for Mental Health Awareness Month is Julie, one of the first Safety Support Specialists to join the Beacon 24/7 team.
For Mental Health Awareness Month, get to know some of the Safety Support Specialists who monitor GoGuardian Beacon 24/7’s active alerts.
Michelle Combes manages a team of Safety Support Specialists, who are an integral part of Beacon’s suicide and self-harm prevention. Read her interview here!
Safety Support Specialists are an integral part of Beacon’s suicide and self-harm prevention. Learn more about them during Mental Health Awareness Month!
To cap off this interview series, former teacher and Implementation Lead Sheerah shares how her team works with customers as well as other teams at GoGuardian.
In this interview series, get to know GoGuardian's Implementation Team. Savvy is an implementation specialist with a passion for mental health and Beacon.
Get to know GoGuardian's Implementation Team in this series of interviews. Learn about their favorite products, how they work with customers, and more!
Learn about our latest product updates to support your school's remote Learning environment, including communication, web filtering, and.
Off-Task Alerts is the latest feature to GoGuardian Teacher that scans browser activity and provides visual notifications when students are off-task .